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Unit 06 - Make A Phone Call I 打電話 1

Key Words and Expressions

Chinese Pronunciation English
幾多號 gei do houh What is the number?
打電話 da dihn wa to make a phone call
手機 sau gei cellphone
屋企 uk kei home
wan to find/to look for
咩事 me sih what's up
咩話 me wa Pardon?
giu to call

Idiomatic Expressions

Extended Use of Key Words

Chinese Pronunciation English
手機 sau gei cellphone
手錶 sau biu watch
"手指 " sau ji finger
手套 sau tou glove
屋企 uk kei home
一間屋 yat gaan uk a house; an apartment
幾多號 gei do houh What is the number?
幾多錢 gei do chin How much?
幾多點 gei do dim What time?